The 2024 INRA GOP Primary Candidate Endorsement Conventions held at the Indiana War Memorial and the following week in Evansville achieved monumental success as voting members endorsed 16 federal / state candidates and unanimously passed 2 resolutions supporting:
a) CCLA - Citizens Coalition for Legislative Accountability
b) all GOP candidates for governor on the ballot deserve to be on the debate stage-
RESOLVED: Indiana Republican Assembly supports healthy democracy in the State of Indiana by voicing its request that all candidates be allowed to be on the debate stage. The 43% of undecided voters clearly indicate Indiana wants to hear more options. Therefore, the Indiana Republican Assembly publicly announces its condemnation of anyone on the conservative ticket being excluded from the debates, and further petitions the Republican Party to immediately address the issue publicly in support of the democratic process.
Jamie Reitenour who had been denied access to some gubernatorial debates earned 76% of all votes cast for Governor. Combined endorsements for our conservative GOP candidates:
Governor - Jamie Reitenour
Lt Governor - Micah Beckwith
Attorney General - Todd Rokita
US House Rep IN4 - Charles Bookwalter
US House Rep IN6 - John Jacob
US House Rep IN8 - Kristi Risk
IN State Senate D8 - Spencer England
IN State House Rep D29 - Laura L Alerding
IN State House Rep D40 - Brian Paasch
IN State House Rep D49 - Cindi Hajicek
IN State House Rep D50 - Lorissa Sweet
IN State House Rep D64 - Matt Hostettler
IN State House Rep D70 - John D Colburn
IN State House Rep D81 - David Mervar
IN State House Rep D90 - David W Waters
IN State House Rep D97 - Stephen Whitmer
Standout speeches were made on stage by and for candidates: Micah Beckwith, Curtis Hill, Todd Rokita, Jamie Reitenour, John Jacob and Brian Paasch.
Attorney General Todd Rokita gave the crowd an upbeat State of the State style update on his office’s many achievements which include Indiana being the first non-border state to take up the legal battle against the Biden Administration’s disastrous open border policies and the creation of the Indiana Parent’s Bill of Rights.
Dr. Dan Stock did an excellent job presenting on the Citizens Coalition for Legislative Accountability.
Prior to voting attendees previewed the CPAC 2024 breakout film "Let My People Go" by Professor David Clements documenting the plight of J6 prisoners and how elections are rigged.
Article II of our Constitution requires persons eligible to be President or Vice President of the United States must be: 35 years of age, have been 14 years a resident and a natural born citizen.
Sharon Rondeau began asking the question is VP Kamala Harris (D) Constitutionally eligible to be our Commander in Chief 6 years ago and given bot
Article II of our Constitution requires persons eligible to be President or Vice President of the United States must be: 35 years of age, have been 14 years a resident and a natural born citizen.
Sharon Rondeau began asking the question is VP Kamala Harris (D) Constitutionally eligible to be our Commander in Chief 6 years ago and given both of Kamala's parents had not met the 5 year residence requirement to become naturalized when she was born the answer is no.
On 9-2-24 Sharon posted on her website a Presidential Eligibility Suit: Harris not a "natural born citizen".
The NFRA recently voted in a resolution urging our states to adhere to the natural born citizen requirement for all President and Vice President candidates put on the ballot.
Our resolution lists historical precedent setting SCOTUS NBC cases which never deviated from stating both parents must be US citizens.
When creating the Article II NBC requirement our Founding Fathers relied on Vatell's Law of Nations first translated into English in 1760 which defined the term natural born citizen to require 2 citizen parents (i.e. not holding multiple allegiances at birth).
George Washington warned against our young nation getting into entangling alliances with European nations and our founding fathers didn't want a royal from Europe marrying an American, having children who could be elected President, then using the vast resources of the crown to affect policy in our Republic. Thus the citizenship requirement to be Commander in Chief is more stringent than a US Senator or member of the House of Representatives.
On Birthright Citizenship we want to take you to President Trump's White House Declaration on the matter.
We live in a microchip based society. In March 2019 President Trump became the first Commander in Chief to sign an executive order on hardening our nation's electric grid to protect us from EMP and severe solar storms.
The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act put the president's executive order language into law and in May of 2020 Pre
We live in a microchip based society. In March 2019 President Trump became the first Commander in Chief to sign an executive order on hardening our nation's electric grid to protect us from EMP and severe solar storms.
The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act put the president's executive order language into law and in May of 2020 President Trump issued another executive order on protecting our electric grid requiring utilities to use American based products.
NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center pointed out in July 2012 we had a near miss of a super solar storm which would have taken us back to the 1800’s economy knocking out power generation and electric transformers across America.
They revised their projections to state we have a 12% chance of experiencing another Carrington level super solar storm per decade.
North Korea and Iran have a treaty calling for each nation to mutually share nuclear weapons technology. Currently North Korea and Iran orbit satellites over the continental United States.
If a satellite were to detonate a nuclear explosion at high altitude experts state it would take out other satellites and we may not know precisely which nation detonated the nuclear EMP blast (North Korea, Iran, Russia, China..?).
If a terrorist group were to obtain a nuclear tipped missile. Place it on a tramp trawler and explode it at high altitude off our coast they could potentially take down the entire Eastern Grid which includes Indiana.
The Indiana Republican Assembly continues to advocate for hardening and protecting our electric grid against all hazards. To join this effort go to CONTACT US on the web menu and leave your contact information so we can connect and work together on this critical issue.
Click this link to access 133 page EMP Protection and Resilience Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure and Equipment.
Website links:
Celebrating the Great Awakening Era black preacher who gave Indiana it's nickname!
The NY Times 1619 Project erroneously claims Abraham Lincoln was a racist and the American Revolution was fought to protect slavery.
During our nation's founding years Harry Hoosier reconciled the races better than anyone preaching against slavery to whites
Celebrating the Great Awakening Era black preacher who gave Indiana it's nickname!
The NY Times 1619 Project erroneously claims Abraham Lincoln was a racist and the American Revolution was fought to protect slavery.
During our nation's founding years Harry Hoosier reconciled the races better than anyone preaching against slavery to whites while urging fellow blacks to seek holiness before God helping to inspire the Methodist Abolition Movement.
By clicking on the picture above you can go to the Harry Hoosier Project website and view: